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日期:2023-06-06 点击数: 作者: 来源:























Ø 学习和进修经历

2005/09——2008/06 华东师范大学数学系  读书(计算数学博士)

2000/09——2003/06 华东师范大学数学系 读书(计算数学硕士)

1996/09——2000/06 曲阜师范大学数学系 读书(数学教育学士)

Ø 工作经历

2003/07——2005/09 曲阜师范大学数学科学学院  

2008/07——2009/9 曲阜师范大学数学科学学院

2009/9——现在 必威betway中文版登录

Ø 论文及著作信息

1.Minghui Wang, Luping Xu, Computing the Hermitian Positive Definite Solutions of a Nonlinear Matrix Equation, Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics,3(2016),20-28, ISSN:2409-5761

2.Minghui Wang, Juntao Zhang, On the pure imaginary quaternionic least squares solutions of matrix equationJ. Appl. Math. & Informatics,34:2(2016),95-106, ISSN: 1598 - 5857

3.Bin Yu, Minghui Wang, Likuan Zhao. Reconstruction of gene regulatory network based on Bayesian network, International Conference on Advanced Educational Technology and Information Engineering, 4 (2015) 681-689.

4.Minghui Wang, Luping Xu, Juntao Zhang, An Iterative Method for the Symmetric Arrowhead Solution of Matrix EquationInternational Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering,97(2015),437-443, ISSN: 1307-6892

5.《应用数值分析》,王明辉主编,王广彬,张闻副主编,化学工业出版社 2015-3-1出版

6.Minghui WangJuntao Zhang, A new inversion-free method for the matrix equation X + A∗X−αA = I, Mathematical Methods in Science and Mechanics, Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering Series | 33, ISSN: 2227-4588, ISBN: 978-960-474-396-4,54-57

7.Bin Yu, Minghui Wang, Juntao Zhang, An Iterative Method for Quaternionic Linear Equations, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical and Quantum Engineering,Vol:8 No:3, 2014

8.Minghui Wang, Juntao Zhang, A New Inversion-free Method for Hermitian Positive Definite Solution of Matrix Equation, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical and Quantum Engineering  Vol:8  No:6, 2014

9.Zhigang jia, Meixiang Zhao, Minghui Wang, and Sitao Ling. Solvability Theory and Iteration Method for One Self-Adjoint Polynomial Matrix Equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics,Volume 2014, Article ID 681605,   

10.Minghui Wang, Chunyan Liang, Shanrui Hu, On the Positive Definite Solutions of a Nonlinear Matrix EquationApplied Mechanics and Materials, vol 380-384(2013), 1434-1438,ISSN: 1660-9336

11.Minghui Wang, Wenhao Ma, A structure-preserving algorithm for the quaternion Cholesky decomposition, Applied Mathematics and Computation 223 (2013) 354-361

12.Minghui Wang, Musheng Wei, Shanrui Hu, The extremal solution of the matrix equation $X^s + AX^{−q}A = I$, Applied Mathematics and Computation 220(2013), pp. 193-199

13.Minghui Wang, Wenhao Ma, A structure-preserving method for the quaternion LU decomposition in quaternionic quantum theory, Computer Physics Communications 184:9 (2013), pp. 2182-2186

14.Minghui Wang. A new method for solving matrix equation AXB+CXTD=E, Mathematical and Computational  Applications, v 18, n 1, p 12-18, 2013

15.Minghui Wang, Chunyun Sheng, The Mixed-Restriction Solution of Matrix Equation AXB+ CYD= E MAO 2012, vol 1, 123-127.


17.Minghui Wang;  Musheng Wei;  Shanrui Hu, An Iterative Method for the Least-Squares Minimum- Norm Symmetric Solution, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 173-182, 2011

18.Minghui Wang, An Iterative Algorithm for the Least Squares Centrosymmetric Solution of a Matrix Equation2011 Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization16-21

19.Minghui Wang and Shanrui Hu, Iterative Methods for An Inverse Problem, International Journal of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, 7:1 2011,17-19

20.Sitao Ling, Minghui Wang and Musheng Wei ,Hermitian tridiagonal solution with the least norm to quaternionic least squares problemComputer Physics Communications181(2010)481-488

21.Qiaohua Liu, Minghui Wang, Algebraic properties and perturbation results for the indefinite least squares problem with equality constraints, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87:2(2010)425-434

22.Minghui Wang, An iterative method for the least-squares symmetric solution of AXB+CYD=F and its applicationInternational Journal of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, 6:4(2010),196-200

23.Minghui Wang, On Positive Definite Solutions of Quaternionic Matrix EquationsInternational Journal of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, 6:4(2010),173-176

24.Minghui Wang, Algorithm Q-LSQR for the least squares problem in quaternionic quantum theory Computer  Physics  Communications, 181(2010), 1047-1050

25.Minghui Wang, Musheng Wei and Yan Feng, An iterative algorithm for a least squares solution of a matrix equationInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics87:6(2010),1289-1298

26.Minghui Wang,Luping Xu, Juntao Zhang, The Alternating Projection Algorithm for the Symmetric Arrowhead Solution of Matrix Equation A×B=C,  Open Science Journal of Mathematics and Application 4:4(2017): 23-27

27. Qiaohua Liu, Minghui Wang, On the weighting method for mixed least squares–total least squares problems, Numer Linear Algebra Appl. 2017;e2094.

28.Minghui wang , yuncui zhang, luping xupositive definite solution of nonlinear matrix equations  Bull. Math.&Stat.Res(ISSN:2348-0580),Vol.5.Issue.3.2017 (July-Sept),117-122

29. Minghui Wang, Xiaowen Cui, Xuehan Cheng,  Real Representation and Its Applications in Split Quaternionic Mechanics, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) Volume 14, Issue 3 Ver. III (May - June 2018), PP 38-43

30. 张云翠,王明辉,王光彬非奇异H-张量的新判定准则,聊城大学学报,2018(01):29-34+55.

31. Minghui Wang,Luping Xu, Juntao Zhang, Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for the Symmetric Arrowhead Solution of Matrix Equation AXB=C, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10:11(2016),570-57332.Minghui Wang, Lingling Yue,  Iterative Methods for Least Squares Problem in Split Quaternionic Mechanics,New Horizons in Mathematical Physics, Vol.3, No.2

33. Minghui Wang, Lingling Yue, Situo Xu, Rufeng Chen, The Real Representation of Canonical Hyperbolic Quaternion Matrices and Its Applications ,Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, 5:6 (2019) 62-68.

34. Minghui Wang, Lingling Yue and Qiaohua Liu, Elementary Transformation and its Applications for Split Quaternion Matrices,Adv. Appl. Clifffford Algebras, (2020) 30:1

35. Minghui Wang , Lingling Yue , Xiaowen Cui , Cheng Chen , Hongyan Zhou , Qin Ma  and Bin Yu,

Prediction of Extracellular Matrix Proteins by Fusing Multiple Feature Information, Elastic Net, and Random Forest Algorithm,Mathematics 2020, 8, 169

36.Minghui Wang, Xiaowen Cui,Bin Yu, Cheng Chen,Qin Ma,Hongyan Zhou, SulSite-GTB: identification of protein S-sulfenylation sites by fusing multiple feature information and gradient tree boosting,  Neural Computing and Applications, (2020) 32:13843–13862

37. Minghui Wang, Xiaowen Cui, Shan Li , Xinhua Yang, Anjun Ma , Yusen Zhang , Bin Yu, DeepMal: Accurate prediction of protein malonylation sites by deep neural networks, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 207 (2020) 104175

38. Minghui Wang , Lili Song  , Kaisong Sun , Zhigang JiaF-2D-QPCA: A Quaternion Principal Component Analysis Method for Color Face Recognition IEEE AccessVOLUME 8, 2020217437-217446  

39. Minghui Wang , Lingling Yue , Xinhua Yang  , Xiaolin Wang , Yu Han, Bin Yu  * Fertility-LightGBM: A fertility-related protein prediction model by multi-information fusion and light gradient boosting machineBiomedical Signal Processing and Control 68 (2021) 102630

40.Lili Song, Yaokui Xu, Minghui Wang * , Yue LengPreCar_DeepA deep learning framework for prediction of protein carbonylation sites based on Borderline-SMOTE strategyChemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 218 (2021) 104428

41.Jingyuan Zhang, Minghui Wang* Research on Case Teaching of Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equation Take the Calculation Fluid Friction Coefficient as an ExampleProceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Modern Management and Education Research (MMER 2021)Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities ResearchISSN2352-5398volume 577236-239

42. Minghui Wang, Yinhuan Han* Research on the Teaching of Numerical Analysis for PostgraduatesProceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Modern Management and Education Research (MMER 2021)Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research ISSN2352-5398volume 57794-97.

43. Minghui Wang ; Lili Song ; Yaqun Zhang ; Hongli Gao ; Lu Yan ; Bin Yu* Malsite-Deep: Prediction of protein malonylation sites through deep learning and multi-information fusion based on NearMiss-2 strategy, Knowledge-Based Systems,2022(240):108191

44. 国内发明专利:一种基于四元数主成分分析的彩色人脸识别方法, 专利号:ZL 2020 1 0052582.3  发明人:王明辉

45. 许耀奎,宋丽丽,王明辉,基于深度学习预测赖氨酸巴豆酰化位点,必威Betway东盟体育学报(自然科学版),vol 43 No 6, 21-25


Ø 科研项目与获奖


2.山东省教育厅基金(J11LA04)(山东省高等学校科技计划项目): 特殊矩阵方程和Procrustes问题的计算和应用(主持)(2012.1-2014.12)

3.山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(BS2012DX009) : 基于计算智能的基因调控网络重构与分析(2012.7-2014.12) (主持)

4.山东高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖,四元数矩阵和特殊矩阵中若干问题的计算与应用,王明辉,王广彬,丰艳,田保光,程尊水。 山东省教育厅

5.山东高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖,数值代数和特殊矩阵中若干问题的研究,王广彬,赵立宽,王明辉,程尊水。 山东省教育厅






Ø 教学项目与获奖


2018年山东省研究生教育质量提升计划项目立项:2018 年山东省专业学位研究生教学案例库立项(SDYAL18063)(主持)




必威Betway东盟体育 2021 年研究生教材建设项目,工科数值分析,(主持)

2021 年山东省研究生公司产品改革研究项目,研究生数学公共基础课程“课程思政”建设与实践(SDYJG21118),(主持)






必威Betway东盟体育 2021 年研究生教学成果奖一等奖:“思政引领、案例驱动、实践强化”三位一体的研究生公共数学课分类教学改革(主持)

Ø 社会兼职

美国数学评论《Mathematical Reviews》 评论员,山东省数学会高等数学专业委员会副理事长,


Ø 研究生招生与培养

  目前方向为线性和非线性矩阵方程及最小二乘问题的计算,以及四元数上相关问题,计算生物学,主要有设计算法、理论分析和上机计算, 所需基础为矩阵理论、Matlab、数值分析等,以后计划向应用方面扩展,如图像处理、多元统计中的一些矩阵计算问题,欢迎感兴趣的同学报考。





























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